Friday 20 March 2015

Second best

Good evening 

Hey guys sorry I havent written in a while alots been going on, the amitriptyline I have to take for pain helps my headaches but not my dizziness, im waiting on a reference leter to the hospital to see a neurologist fun times.
Anxirty has been decent not thr best but not the worst so im coping, I got a job at a spa ive been there for a month now ans I do 3 days a week and I really enjoy it but it's tiring.

My brothers fiance moved in with us and its been about 3 weeks and ....... I did like her and I was excited about her moving in but now I feel like second best to my parents, ever since shes moved in they act differently there not as laid back as they used to be their like to happy if that makes sense like their trying to hard, my dad used to have nice little Talks with me but now he has them with her and just moans at me, he seems more on edge with me and moans to me about being cold he will just say "put more clothes on then" and im sat there in jeans and 3 jumpers, everything I do irritates him, and with ny mum I used to have talks with her And spend time with her but not anymore, Im always in my bedroom and I can always hear them talking and laughing, she will help mum with dinner which is what I used to do, if I go spend time with mum shes there and they will talk like im not there I cant get a word in. It Hurts, I had a cold the other week and a slight stomach bug and I didnt eat anything but no one asked how I was I fell asleep in the middle of the day woke up a few hours later did anyone ask if I was okay? No, my mum used to give me hugs when I was ill but she didnt, I was pretty much ignored when I was ill.

Just had dinner, and as you no im a beauty therapist so I got loads of nail varnishes,  anyway at dinner my bros fiance says "I got like a bucket of nail varnish ill go get it " and brings it Out and was showing me all and my mum was like " Ohhh woooowww thats loads blimey" and im thinking I have more than that, I just wanted to say " wow you got a bucket of cheap nail varnishes,  really not that impressive as ive got a bigger box if proper long lasting varnishes" but I didnt because I'm not a bitch.

I feel completely replaced,  my mum goes to her now if she has a question or something funny to say instead of me, if I didnt come out of my room they wouldnt care, ive totally been replaced im second best.
I rarely see my brother and I miss him so much! We dont talk anymore have little jokes or hang out, I feel like I dont belong in my own house ane the only person that cares is my boyfriend. 

It doesnt help my anxiety either. On my birthday the 13th of march all the talk was about the wedding, didnt even feel like a birthday I feel like ive missed it this year.

Anyone got any advice?
:'( Thanks

Saturday 31 January 2015


So my new pill amitriptyline I have to take for migraines and dizziness, I'm literally In tears because I'm terrified to take it I really don't want to but feel like I have to, I don't think it's worth the risk, I've Google things about it and literally every person has said it's given them a numb tounge so now I keep thinking I'll choke on it in my sleep or because my Tounge will be numb that if I swallow I will like swallow my tounge and choke, and apparently it makes you put on weight and not like a little bit like contraceptives but I mean you could be 6st
and in a month you will be 12 and extremely over weight, someone said this happened and they have been off it a year and is still over weight.

People have said it made them more dizzy and extreme fatigue, made there limbs feel heavy and drunk like, felt like they had a hangover and  crapy the next day.

I feel like I'm being forced to take it even though I'm not I feel like I have to but I'm crying I'm literally terrified to take it.

Has anyone else had it?
Good evening 

I still haven't taken those pills and it's been 2 days I read up on it and it's given people nightmares and it makes your tounge numb, I'll take it to night but I'm scared.
I also read that it treats neurological pain, so pain your thinking is there when it isn't, pain caused but stressed but nothing actually physical which I thought was interesting maybe my doctor thinks I'm thinking it because of my anxiety bit why would I think a migraine and dizziness on ?

On a different note it's my birthday in march 13th which I'm excited for I'm gonna be 19 I have a birthday wishlist on amazing right and you can find other people's wish lists, you click on wish lists then find a wish list and put in the persons email address and you can see what they want for Xmas or birthdays and when you buy it it goes of their wish list so no one else can buy it! How awesome is that ?!

See ya next time

anxiety and doctors

Good evening 

Hey guys I no I haven't written in a while I haven't felt like it, my dizziness has gotten a bit out of control but I'm learning to keep calm and use cucumbers on my eyes and lavender essential oil on my for head and to smell in with deep breathes, this seems to calm me and helps with the dizzy and anxiety 
 I had the doctors the other day and she wants me to try this pills called amitriptyline, to take one before bed that should help with my headaches but she said if I take it to late the next morning I will feel like I have a hangover, all groggy, and it's got a sedative in it so it will help me sleep...... A sedative ? That worrys me a bit, she also said she's going to talk to a brain specialist at the hospital and see if he thinks I need a brain scan which also scares me.

I got a job!  At this spa I had an interview last week and they called to say they want to offer me a part time position of 2 days a week and full time when I finish college ahhhh she needs a reference from my college tutor and a past boss and when she gets them they will make an offer I'm so excited I finally get a chance !

Thanks for reading.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Ohh godddddd!!!!

Good evening guys

So I had my interview at the spa today..... I think it went well I talked with the manager then had to do a massage and paint one of the girls nails, the therapist seemed to like what I did and everyone was really nice, they said they had more interviews in the week and would give me a call In the week, but I don't no I'm not getting my hopes up because I didn't get a good vibe from them but we will see.

So I got really dizzy today like I can't even explain it, I was lying down and sat up and I was literally wobbling it felt like my brain was wobbling like a bobble head. It was like my brain was a balloon that just floated around and moved and couldn't get balance, it felt like when I moved I went dizzy and wobbly and had to wait for my Brian to catch up with my body, maybe it's the pill I went back on it last night.

Well we will see how the day goes  tomorrow.

Sunday 18 January 2015

I can't do this anymore I'm driving myself crazy I'm so dizzy it's unreal, pressure in my head, pressure behind my right eye, I can't concentrate, my head is throbbing I keep googling if it could be a learning disability or eye problem or something, I'm going crazy but I no me getting anxious about it is making it worse.....
I need to calm down.

figuring out anxiety

Good evening

Hey guys i no i havent written in a few days, lately i just have no motivation to do anything, i skipped college on wednesday because i just couldnt be bothered to go in, when i was with my boyfriend i wanted to do something but i couldnt be bothered to do anything, i dunno i wanted to get out the house and go somewhere but there is nothing to do where i live, i couldnt be bothered to go to the shop, play the wii, lay in bed, or even watch a movie, i dunno what i wanted to do i just no i couldnt be bothered to do anything, if that makes sense, i just have no motivation lately, i feel like i wanna go back to my therapist and scream for him to help me even though nothings wrong! I got a call from a spa 2 days ago that want to interview me and i was putting off calling them because as much as i want a job i just have no motivation to go get one and i cant be bothered to get out of bed, i did call them back today and i have an interview with them next thursday at 9am.

I think its because i keep getting dizzy, alot, ever since my dr put on back on the pill my dizziness has been worse, i would say all this less of motivation is hormones but i havent taken the pill in 2 days because its making me dizzy, but then again i might be dizzy because im laying around in bed all day watching movies on my tablet, giving myself a head ache, yet im to scared to do anything or go outside or go shopping in case i get dizzy, i want a job but im to scared to get one in case i get dizzy at work and nearly faint or something, now i dont no if its to do with anxiety as well, maybe its taking over again, maybe its my anxiety making me afraid to go outside in case i get dizzy, so instead i stay inside and do nothing but be afraid to be dizzy.......that actually makes alot of sense, its like history is repeating itself but with something different, with my eating issues i was to scared to eat in case i choked, this time im to scared to go outside or do anything but lay in bed in case i get dizzy. 
And now lack of motivation makes sense, its not lack of motivation....its me being afraid to do anything in case i get dizzy and nearly faint, its me letting my anxiety take over my life like i let it take over before.

My dr said that if the dizzyness gets to the point where it stops me from doing everyday things in my life then to let her know and go back.
My therapist said if i ever relapsed back to not eating because i was scared then to always remember our sessions i had with him, i think i have relapsed but not with eating, with being dizzy, to scared to go outside coz im dizzy or do anything in case i get dizzy, letting my anxiety take over coz im scared. when i had the eating issues i was in a cycle of being scared and scared to eat which my therapist got me out of by doing the one thing i was scared of, eating, now im back in a cycle to scared to go outside in case i get dizzy and when i got outside i get so anxious that i make myself dizzy so i go back inside.... see im stuck in another cycle that i need to get out of, and i hope i can do this on my own without the need for a therapist.

So im gunna start going outside more and stop caring about being dizzy, im gunna go to my interview with a positive attitude and im gunna stop lounging around in my bedroom feeling sorry for myself, even though im scared sometimes taking a jump is the only thing that will get you out of your cycle.
Sometimes being scared is okay, it will push you to do the right thing because you dont wanna be scared any more so you gotta take the jump and do what you no is right.

Thanks for listening, if you ever need a chat dont be afraid to email me.
Take the jump.

Monday 12 January 2015

College, anxiety!

Good Evening

Hey guys so todays been wierd, well kinda, woke up with a bad stomach because of my stupid I.B.S (Irritable bowl syndrome), and we had to do indian head massage practice on each other, and while i was doing my friend i felt the need to go to the loo...... but i didnt and i was near the end and i started getting really hot and dizzy and couldnt breathe, last time that happened it followed with couldnt see and seeing stars stumbling accross the room to find a seat to sit down, so i sat down straight away before all the rest happened and had a drink and went to the toilet and for the rest of the day i felt dizzy like fuuuckkk.

So any who when she was doing the massage on me i started to feel like i was gunna faint or throw up and i never nearly faint when im sat down! wierd right ?
So like i said in yesterdays blog ive been getting dizzy for 5 months and my dr has done nothing about it so im seeing my dads dr instead right, and because im on the implant this dizziness could be hormonal because im affraid the implant does that and lately ive been extra dizzy coz girly time of the month, or shall i say time of every other week if you get what i mean, so shes put me on the pill a well to control the hormones to stop my girl time, and to control my hormones from the implant and hopefully stop me from being dizzy, either that or the extra hormones will make me go crazy hormonal and extra dizzy and at that point ill need to go back, yay fun experimental 3 months on the pill for me!

So back to anxiety, today eating dinner it felt like food was getting stuck again and nearly had a panick attack and had to stop eating and go munch on my safety food, something that melts in my mouth.......chocooollatteee, my boyfriends bringing more over later, arnt i so lucky, I.B.S stomach problems which means i cant have caffine or very much chocolate or ice cream, or eat past 8, but i do that anyway even though it will give me a bad stomach because guess what im a teenager who has had 2 rough years, breathing problems stomach problems, dizzyness, anxiety, and once that gets all sorted out ill have another problem in less then a month i bet because thats my life and to top it all of i turn 19 in march so ill have to pay for all these crazy meds ill be given. yay me!

See ya tomorrow 

Sunday 11 January 2015

Ugly betty and dizzyness

Good Evening

So im now on season 2 of ugly betty, on episode one literally watching it right now as im typing. And omg let me just say wow so daniel and alexis got into a car accident, henry left with some woman whos pregnant and its not his baby but he thinks it is, and santos got shot! and i thought he died because justin and betty said she hasn't come out that bedroom, then it goes to the bedroom where hilda is and santos comes out the shower with bandages on? and she saying she dont want him to leave the room in case he gets hurt, so is thi an hallucination or is it real?

Back to reality for people who don't watch ugly betty haha ive had a fat day today just eating and now i feel self concious errr food damn you, i woke up at 1! wtf is wrong with me i went to sleep at 3, i couldn't sleep when im with my boyfriend i can fall asleep like that but by myself i cant sleep it takes me ages, any one else get like this?
Ive got college tomorrow but i get to leave at half 2 for a drs appointment. lucky me aye! Im going because i get dizzy everyday and i dont no why, ive had it for about 5 month now and my dr just keeps saying "come back in 2 week and see what its like then"  last time i went she said "you dont get it every day so its not a problem" and im llike " ive had it for 5 months and do get it everyday ive just gotten a bit used to it now" but noooand she said theres nothing she can do, erm hello you could do tests, brain scan? hormone test? im seeing my dads dr instead because he was dizzy for a week and he got a brain scan within a day and turns out he has constant migrains and has to have medicine for it, it could be my thyroid, it could be diabetes, but no one will do anything because they just blame it on my anxiety and me overreacting, i no what my anxiety is and its never been this before and surely if it is they should give me something to help deal with it! AAAHHHH seriously i hate drs sometimes, so hopefully my dads dr will do something about it!

Anyone out there get dizzyness that can give me advice?

Okay just watched the ending of the first episode and santos is dead and i just cried my eyes out, AND HENRYS BACK OH YEHHHHHHH

Thanks guys
See ya later

Saturday 10 January 2015


Good evening 

Hey guys hope you had a good day.
Today ive just spent with my boyfriend watching ugly betty all day haha!
Ive only just starting watching it on season 1 its so good im addicted, i was addicted since the first episode.
I dont really no what to write about today, i wish i could interact with you guys and tell me your problems so i can give advice because i love giving people advice.

When i went over my boyfriends his 6 year old sister wanting to do a make up tutorial because she watches alot of make up, and shes got like kidding princess make up she was putting on me it was so cute, then she was like " lets go downstairs and do a kitchen tour" and went through her fridge and told me everything in it. Seriously she watches to much Youtube but shes cute.

Does your life just sometimes pause? or suddenly go in slow motion and you just look around you and realise what you have or don't have, makes you realise what your life is about. Sometimes you just have to stop and evaluate your life and if your not happy then do something about it ya no?

Tbh i dont no what im saying im just blabaling.

Anyway want me to check out their vlog or got friend or boyfriend problems let me no and ill give it a read.
See yaa soon

Friday 9 January 2015

New job? Help!

Good evening.

Hey guys hows your day been? i hope its been good.
Mines been okay well better then okay....between okay and good, yeh that sounds about right.

I do beauty at college and im on my last year and my college has a salon which i work every friday and its not the best money but its money, and i only had 3 clients but hey ho. Tbh i dont really care about the money, it gets me out the house and its something to do, i only do college monday and wednesday so i usually see my boyfriend or lay around in bed all day. So this gets me out the house and i enjoy it i love talking with clients you get to have a good natter, plus we are self employed so no one to boss us around but ourselfs, i hate people telling me what to do.

But i think i may have landed my dream job :D. So there is this new spa opening 15 mins away from me and its a 5* Hilton spa with 10 treatment rooms and a hydrotherapy pool! ahhh dream job much, i applyed and the main guy sent me a email saying their having an recruitment day in February and he is going to keep my details and sent me an invite to it with all the details! dannnnggggggggg im excited.

So what do i do? do i stop looking for a job till the recruitment but then if i don't get it ill have nothing to fall back onto? And what if i do get it , it doesn't open till may, do i just have no job till may or do i get a temp job till may? i have no idea what to do. My mum suggested just getting a job in like boots or something for the time being and tell them im leaving in may, but surely if they know your leaving they wont hire you right? why would they hire someone that's gunna leave 4 months later?

I dont no what to do ahhh someone anyone help me!
This girl need some good advice.
Byee x

Thursday 8 January 2015

Good evening

Hey guys hope everyone has had a good day, i haven't really been doing much just been at my boyfriends house.
I was scrolling through twitter and i followed xstrology and i love how accurate their tweets are.
Xstrology is basically your star sign and they write tweets each day about a different fact about every star sign and it really accurate, my star sign is Pisces.
I find it amazing how true they are to me its like someone has sat down and googled me or gotten to no me and written on twitter!
Here are some of the things they have said -

#Pisces are happiest when they are on the beach. (So true i love the beach)
#Pisces would rather be in their dream world then reality.
#Pisces already no what you think about them. they are psychic!
#Pisces love holding hands
#Pisces take a long time to get over people its their biggest flaw.
#Pisces will listen to your problems and try to help you even though they think you are stupid.

Do you ever find that you always listen to people and give people advice but whenever you talk to people about your feelings and problems they never listen? they just shrug it off and say dunno, but you will go all out trying to help someone else and give them advice.
That annoys me so much about people, my best friends do it alot sometimes i think to myself are they even my best friends if they wont listen to me.

Say i had an argument with my boyfriend i will talk to my one friend, lets call her lex, i will tell her the argument and how i feel, wanting some advice on what turn to take next and she is always like "atleast you have a boyfriend " - " i wish i had a boyfriend you shouldnt moan so much" - "I miss having sex with someone i love" and im all like girl i wasnt even talking about sex? and sometimes she will acctually start having ago at me pretty much telling me to shut up and piss off, and im sat here like i always give u advice and help you, your ment to be my best friend yet when i talk you moan and tell me to piss of, so i stop talking to her about stuff like that and then he will moan i dont talk enough like wtf right?

Second friend, lets call her lup, she talks to me alot about her family issues and boy problems and i always help her out give her advice im always there for her ive known her since i was 3 so we are pretty close, but when i talk to her about an arguement she will say "aww yeh" - " i dunno " - " hmm" or something blunt like that and then change the subject and go talking back to herself.

Dont get me wrong i love my friends they are great for a laugh but not so great listeners i always give them advice but i never get it back.
I get the same at work because im a beauty therapist so im always pampering others but get nothing in return.
Dont get me wrong i love my life and my family, boyfriend, friends but ive never told anyone this stuff before so its just nice to let it all out and just type ya no?

Anyway you guys should check out Xstrology you will be freaked out by how accurate they are, some of them and actually quite funny but very true .
To anyone out there who reads this, Thanks! maybe leave a comment some time if you guys feel the same. Its nice to no someone is on the other end.
See ya next time.
Have a good day.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Hello world

Hello world,

This is my first blog and im kinda nervous I've never done anything like this before, its a strange feeling. I feel like i have to worry about my grammar like im back at school in English but no one cares right every ones just hear to read about peoples lives and get advice and tips.

So i find myself sometimes talking to myself and i go on and on to my friend sometimes about random things that i can tell they get bored so i thought why not start a blog, you can write whatever fizz's up inside you and just be you with no one telling you to be different. I wanna feel like someone, somewhere is reading and listening to what ive got to say even if no one likes or comments, i dont care im just here to be me.

So more about me - im 18 years old (19 in march ahh), i have a boyfriend who is also 18 and we have been going out for 3 years. The last few years have been tough on me, 2013 i got anxiety and it targeted my throat causing me to have strange feelings and a wierd lump feeling in my throat (that feeling you get just before you cry) i got it when i ate so i got scared things got stuck in my throat and scared i was gunna choke so i stopped eating, everytime i put food in my mouth i would have a panic attack because i was scared it would get stuck because of this lump feeling, i lost 2 stone in 2 months, i was 8 stone and went down to 6. I got it in january 2013 and in feb - march i didnt have solids i just had these nutrition drinks called build ups that i got from my drug store, just to help keep some calories going in. My birthday is in march and 2013 on my 17th birthday i wasnt eating, i was having nutrition drinks, the only thing i could eat was ice cream and chocolate so instead of a birthday cake i had birthday ice cream, my family got chips from the chip shop while i sat there drinking my drink and eating ice cream, no one sang happy birthday to me, my boyfriend was at work at the time, it was the most depressing birthday ever. 
So i had hospital appointments and i had to drink this radioactive liquid and the put this xray machine up to me while i swallowed and watch it go down to see if it got stuck and it didnt, so they put me to sleep and put a camera down my throat into my stomach and found nothing and my heart dropped because i wanted medication to help, i felt so weak i felt like i couldnt get better by myself i didnt wanna believe it was anxiety. 
They told me to see a nutritionist and she gave me ideas of mushy foods i could start eating again, kinda like trying to teach a baby to eat. They also said i needed to see a psychiatrist in august and he would help with anxiety and helping me get over the fear of choking.
So august 2013 i saw my therapist and finished out therapy in Jan 2014.
I loved therapy he was so nice to me and actually took the time out to get to no me instead of forcing me to eat, he understand i wasnt anorexic or bulimic or have any kind of eating disorder, it was simply anxiety, and my anxiety triggers my throat to tense. He helped me to start eating again and when we finished therapy i was 85% better and now 1 year later im 100%. I still get fall backs here and there with food and i still have anxiety but its just general teenage anxiety now.

So all of last year i was looking for a job while still at college and i had 4 jobs, one bullied me, one told me she couldnt afford to keep me on, and one said they where to busy to train me, the last one was just a summer job. After having struggles with eating and being so skinny and so weak i couldnt do anything, last year was gunna be my year i got my weight and energy back and i could do things for myself again i could get a job but no one gave me that opportunity. So wish me good luck for 2015 i finish college in may so i better have a job by then!

Wish me good luck and thanks for listening and reading if anyone did,
See ya next time,