Monday 12 January 2015

College, anxiety!

Good Evening

Hey guys so todays been wierd, well kinda, woke up with a bad stomach because of my stupid I.B.S (Irritable bowl syndrome), and we had to do indian head massage practice on each other, and while i was doing my friend i felt the need to go to the loo...... but i didnt and i was near the end and i started getting really hot and dizzy and couldnt breathe, last time that happened it followed with couldnt see and seeing stars stumbling accross the room to find a seat to sit down, so i sat down straight away before all the rest happened and had a drink and went to the toilet and for the rest of the day i felt dizzy like fuuuckkk.

So any who when she was doing the massage on me i started to feel like i was gunna faint or throw up and i never nearly faint when im sat down! wierd right ?
So like i said in yesterdays blog ive been getting dizzy for 5 months and my dr has done nothing about it so im seeing my dads dr instead right, and because im on the implant this dizziness could be hormonal because im affraid the implant does that and lately ive been extra dizzy coz girly time of the month, or shall i say time of every other week if you get what i mean, so shes put me on the pill a well to control the hormones to stop my girl time, and to control my hormones from the implant and hopefully stop me from being dizzy, either that or the extra hormones will make me go crazy hormonal and extra dizzy and at that point ill need to go back, yay fun experimental 3 months on the pill for me!

So back to anxiety, today eating dinner it felt like food was getting stuck again and nearly had a panick attack and had to stop eating and go munch on my safety food, something that melts in my mouth.......chocooollatteee, my boyfriends bringing more over later, arnt i so lucky, I.B.S stomach problems which means i cant have caffine or very much chocolate or ice cream, or eat past 8, but i do that anyway even though it will give me a bad stomach because guess what im a teenager who has had 2 rough years, breathing problems stomach problems, dizzyness, anxiety, and once that gets all sorted out ill have another problem in less then a month i bet because thats my life and to top it all of i turn 19 in march so ill have to pay for all these crazy meds ill be given. yay me!

See ya tomorrow 