Thursday 8 January 2015

Good evening

Hey guys hope everyone has had a good day, i haven't really been doing much just been at my boyfriends house.
I was scrolling through twitter and i followed xstrology and i love how accurate their tweets are.
Xstrology is basically your star sign and they write tweets each day about a different fact about every star sign and it really accurate, my star sign is Pisces.
I find it amazing how true they are to me its like someone has sat down and googled me or gotten to no me and written on twitter!
Here are some of the things they have said -

#Pisces are happiest when they are on the beach. (So true i love the beach)
#Pisces would rather be in their dream world then reality.
#Pisces already no what you think about them. they are psychic!
#Pisces love holding hands
#Pisces take a long time to get over people its their biggest flaw.
#Pisces will listen to your problems and try to help you even though they think you are stupid.

Do you ever find that you always listen to people and give people advice but whenever you talk to people about your feelings and problems they never listen? they just shrug it off and say dunno, but you will go all out trying to help someone else and give them advice.
That annoys me so much about people, my best friends do it alot sometimes i think to myself are they even my best friends if they wont listen to me.

Say i had an argument with my boyfriend i will talk to my one friend, lets call her lex, i will tell her the argument and how i feel, wanting some advice on what turn to take next and she is always like "atleast you have a boyfriend " - " i wish i had a boyfriend you shouldnt moan so much" - "I miss having sex with someone i love" and im all like girl i wasnt even talking about sex? and sometimes she will acctually start having ago at me pretty much telling me to shut up and piss off, and im sat here like i always give u advice and help you, your ment to be my best friend yet when i talk you moan and tell me to piss of, so i stop talking to her about stuff like that and then he will moan i dont talk enough like wtf right?

Second friend, lets call her lup, she talks to me alot about her family issues and boy problems and i always help her out give her advice im always there for her ive known her since i was 3 so we are pretty close, but when i talk to her about an arguement she will say "aww yeh" - " i dunno " - " hmm" or something blunt like that and then change the subject and go talking back to herself.

Dont get me wrong i love my friends they are great for a laugh but not so great listeners i always give them advice but i never get it back.
I get the same at work because im a beauty therapist so im always pampering others but get nothing in return.
Dont get me wrong i love my life and my family, boyfriend, friends but ive never told anyone this stuff before so its just nice to let it all out and just type ya no?

Anyway you guys should check out Xstrology you will be freaked out by how accurate they are, some of them and actually quite funny but very true .
To anyone out there who reads this, Thanks! maybe leave a comment some time if you guys feel the same. Its nice to no someone is on the other end.
See ya next time.
Have a good day.

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