Friday 9 January 2015

New job? Help!

Good evening.

Hey guys hows your day been? i hope its been good.
Mines been okay well better then okay....between okay and good, yeh that sounds about right.

I do beauty at college and im on my last year and my college has a salon which i work every friday and its not the best money but its money, and i only had 3 clients but hey ho. Tbh i dont really care about the money, it gets me out the house and its something to do, i only do college monday and wednesday so i usually see my boyfriend or lay around in bed all day. So this gets me out the house and i enjoy it i love talking with clients you get to have a good natter, plus we are self employed so no one to boss us around but ourselfs, i hate people telling me what to do.

But i think i may have landed my dream job :D. So there is this new spa opening 15 mins away from me and its a 5* Hilton spa with 10 treatment rooms and a hydrotherapy pool! ahhh dream job much, i applyed and the main guy sent me a email saying their having an recruitment day in February and he is going to keep my details and sent me an invite to it with all the details! dannnnggggggggg im excited.

So what do i do? do i stop looking for a job till the recruitment but then if i don't get it ill have nothing to fall back onto? And what if i do get it , it doesn't open till may, do i just have no job till may or do i get a temp job till may? i have no idea what to do. My mum suggested just getting a job in like boots or something for the time being and tell them im leaving in may, but surely if they know your leaving they wont hire you right? why would they hire someone that's gunna leave 4 months later?

I dont no what to do ahhh someone anyone help me!
This girl need some good advice.
Byee x

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